I stumbled on an untitled document in one of my private folders. It gave me a fun glimpse into myself and I suppose it couldn't hurt to turn into a post.
20th October 2009
6:50 p.m.
Sitting in a three tier train complete with families and their excited and curious children – and somehow because I’m writing here, I feel like I’m at home. The music does manage to help too.
I watched (500) Days of Summer a few days ago. It’s great, definitely one of those films I’ll watch over and over again solely because it does a super job capturing two people and the course of their relationship. I related very well with Joseph Gordon Levitt’s character… and what usually happens when you draw a strong relation with a character in a movie, you begin to adjust your values and outlook based on the story he creates. I think I took more from the movie than I gave, if that makes any sense to you. I questioned love and careers and laziness and why I am so frustratingly inclined to women who make me crazy. You give me a girl with large eyes and a gorgeous smile she seldom uses and I am putty. It’s because I need very badly to know how to make her smile and better yet, keep that miracle on her face. Girls are special, they truly are. They show me their angry and hostile side, their spiteful and vulnerable side and I will keep coming back for more. I have learnt to love all sorts of women and understand their secrets. And now I don’t know if I want to take this document any further.
Just three steps to forget I ever wrote this:
Click on the red ‘x’ logo on the top left.
Click on ‘No’ for when it prompts me to save the unsaved.
Look out the window.
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