A Great Way to Spend Your Day (17th July 2008)

Hello and welcome to the show. My name is V and I am about to recount my experience with LSD. It’s hard to explain... but you need to know. This line will recur, but I assure you, that you need to know; in spite of it being hard to explain :D

We are all trippers, you and I, listening to different kinds of music. That’s what it seems to be about, and I guess it can be described this way. I hope you agree. But I guess that all I can hope for is that you’re listening to the song I’m listening to, at the moment. If I were to be foolish enough to hope in the first place, that is. You and I may even like the same type of music, but that doesn’t mean we need to be listening to the same song at the same time, and that minor difference, is what separates you from me. I cannot deny that you are separated from me. Well I cannot only because I can’t seem to imagine how. But however connected you and I may feel, it is only fleeting and temporary, as is ‘life’; and you can always walk out the door while tipping your hat to that statement. “C’est la vie” and all that. I seem to be brimming with wisdom right now... and it’s hard to explain.

But you need to know :D

Reality is this little party that you and I are attending. So is everyone else. So don’t forget to get fries with your steak, and make sure your glass is empty. Aside from all this rubbish I seem to be on about, I think what my friend here is trying to say, is that reality is what binds us. You and I. We are all left to our own devices, our own journeys, our lives and our Sunday ‘trips’ to the park... but what connects us and what brings us back is this ‘real’ stuff. See now, you may see pink and I see blue, but when we see red together, that’s what we can refer to as REALITY! You dig? Even if you don’t, what can I say? It’s hard to explain... but (you know how this goes:D)

Wait, what’s this? I came here to read about some trippy guy’s trip on trippy stuff! What’s all this real nonsense? Get to the flipping diamonds already, Lucy!

People will and do not believe me when I say I have done acid. Not that it’s a difficult thing to digest, but, oh wait; we’re not talking about the acid yet, are we? So yes, LSD. What it’s like. How does one describe it? Hmmm.

It is one massive mind game motherfucker. For the rest, and if you care to read up, the former portion of this story, I would politely ask you to imagine that I am referring to life. (Life being my topic of discussion). So yes, one large mind game. It is what it is, I’ll give you that. Perception in its truest sense. If there is a true sense, mind you. It basically gives you the freedom to do with your mind what you will. If you want colours then by jolly, you will see colours. Patterns and shapes galore, your trip will seem full of ups and downs and best of all, gives you the ultimate control to decide whether you’d like to see the up, or the down. And that control starts to slip from your fingers. You’re still in control, but less in control of what you would believe control to be. But no, don’t be nervous or wary. EMBRACE IT. Ride the fucking snake. (Yes, I’m still talking about life)

Your brain takes you from one moment to the next in the most elegant and organized fashion, and you see this pattern form in front of you, as each individual’s little autobiography, and it’s brilliant. But ah, with acid, you understand that it is in holding on to that loss of control that counts. “Stop tracing, start spacing”, as he put it.

Music comes alive on your trip. Well it did for mine, anyway. (No, I’m not done with life just yet). The notes and waves bounce around as you see the sound in its utmost clarity. Everything is b-e-yootiful. But this could just as well be me tripping. Haha honestly though, your trip is up to you. You come into it looking for gloom and despair, up comes a double order of depression with some melancholy on the side. But if you’re into it for the divine pursuit of happiness, boy! Do you have an amazing trip in store for you! As you drift in and out of reality, as you stray from exceeding forms of awareness to being absolutely, yet comfortably numb, you start to recognize and realize what it is you truly think it’s about. And that, dear reader, is another way of saying that your favourite artist is left on queue. So get to it. REVEL.

Yes, there are boundaries, yes, there are limits. The Coming Home at Five chapter is quite possibly the epitome of my trip-limit, but you move past it; you transcend. Take it as it comes buddy, and wave at the friendly folk that walk by... because TONIGHT, WE PARTY. Ladies and gentlemen, it really is your trip and I would much prefer to let the space do the talking. So please understand that it is hard to explain, but I cannot possibly stress on this any further - YOU NEED TO KNOW!

Oh, and about that acid. Well what can I say? It’s a great way to spend your day :D

1 comment:

  1. Dear varun,
    This might give you a feeling like i am writng you a letter,like this is the kind of dialogue which has entirely emerged from my mind.a new revealation..because like you said in the post that it really is "your "own trip in the end.right!So your post kind of ignited my desire to tell you about my expierence with the LSD and other pSychoactive Substances.
    Well,i read your first post and i could sense it,you are psychonaut..and definately had an stint with the problem child:LSD.And that is something only trippers can sense it with other new faces they come across.its almost magical and hypocritical at the same time.

    i have tripped out on acid around 4 times and once i ate a few dozen shrooms.i am 22.And,i really wonder if people called him mad when he said that but i say 'same pinch'to steve jobs for he said that doing LSD was one of the three most important things he did in his life.i totally agree mister. I think i have changed in many ways after my first trip,i am not saying its the be all and end all but like you said its a mind game,which your mind is playing on you,i mean it is constantly playing with you,but while on acid you get separated from that mofo called mind and can see it staring at you laughing at you,questioning you.you can feel you dissolving into nothingness..they call it the ego death..very difficult to handle ,like a drunk monkey.can spoil your fun if you dont hold on. BUT hold on to wat?Sanity or insanity??the already thin line is fading in front of you,you feel like and alien for a second and the next second you have never felt this connected to the earth and the existence in general.Your mind is racing with thoughts ,its feels like your subconcious and the concious are having wild sex.Their outlines and inner cores blending,like the energies are playing a game of tennis with you and you are just there watching to and fro to and fro to an fro.each moment weaves a story in its own ,every song you go takes you to the different world..you look at your companions tripping and they look at you and that moment you feel like they are talking to you like you can understand what they are thinking because there is such a trmendous volcanos of thoughts and emotions that the the distance of space and time and the physical limitations just fade away.have you tried looking at your hands while tripping..you feel like you staring at something u have never seen before.its beautiful!!
    And the music, my god the music..i went from full on trance to dark ,psy and chill out.the songs change and you glide from one dream to the other,suddenly everything makes sense..you are one and you are all.
    And the after glow of acid is like you are born again physically and in the mind.
    its a difficult thing to describe an acid trip,like you said.i still dont know exactly what happened during those trips.Its not a short cut to enlightenment beacuse as buddha said enlightenment is end of all suffering,and acid doesnt do that but it gives you a glimpse a peek into the world of nothingless and timelessness..it shows that something like that does exists and you can reach out for it when u like.
    You hit the nail right on the spot by saying that -its a great way of spending your day.like a picnic .. lol..you cant do it everyday.
    Hunter s thompson -writer of fear and loathing in las vegas,said that -you dont go looking for acid.acid finds you when *IT* thinks you are ready.

    Well thanks to my then Bf for introducing it to me but it was meant to happen,it found me an i embraced it with full acceptance.to quote you
    "But if you are into it for the divine pursuit of happiness,you have an amazin trip in store for you."

    well i guess i am out of words now could go on quoting u and writing bout it..but i guess i am spoiling the landscape of your blog.i am only a visitor here and i apologize if my long posts bugged you.you can tell me though.

    till then.
    Peace out
